Gary Recommends



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Closing the Circle: Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles

There's a great new book out that I liked so much I agreed to write the Foreword for it. It's called Closing the Circle: Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles. It's written by Rogier van Vlissingen, a scholar who puts it all together in showing the relationships between these two great works and how The Disappearance of the Universe is the bridge between the two of them. It's exciting and educational reading! Rogier also explains  all 70 of the original sayings in the Thomas Gospel in a way that's never really been done before (except for the 22 that Pursah explained in DU.)

As some of you know, Pursah gave the correct version of the original Gospel of Thomas to me in my second book, Your Immortal Reality. Now Rogier compares Thomas, DU and ACIM in such a way as to demonstrate how the original message of Jesus was destroyed by the Church, but is resurfacing today. You can get much more info about this amazing book a
nd Rogier's blog:

Thank God I’m Crazy: A Journey to Sanity

“Grace Avalon’s courage to share her secret visions that led her out of deep abuse to heal through forgiveness brings a whole new level of understanding to the principles of love found in A Course in Miracles.” Gary Renard

IN THE FOREWORD, GARY WROTE: I was intrigued by Grace Avalon’s ability to capture the experience of dreaming . . . A Course in Miracles says, “Awareness of dreaming is a function of the miracle worker.” The Course takes the idea that the world is an illusion and refines it into the idea that this world is a dream, and if it’s a dream then it’s possible to awaken from it. And it’s that awakening that is enlightenment. That’s not a minor distinction. It’s everything. I like the way that Grace, whom I’ve known for years, describes the different phases of dreaming and the many twists and turns one goes through while awakening. Thank God I’m Crazy is not a text book. It’s a wonderful, experiential work that illuminates the path Grace has taken from the madness all the separated ones feel to the sanity of her Source.

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One With God: Awakening Through the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Here's what Gary said in his endorsement:

"I was constantly and pleasantly surprised by One With God. The Voice of the Holy Spirit is clear and unmistakable throughout. If you're a bold seeker who is finally ready to awaken from this dream we call life, then I highly recommend this book as a vital tool to help you accelerate that process."

About the Book:

The eighty messages in One With God were dictated to Marjorie Tyler (Margie) beginning in February, 2013, on Maui, where she resides. Margie is no different from anyone else, being a symbol of the light we all carry, as the one Self. Each message begins with a quote, taken from the content of that particular instruction, to help focus the mind before reading.

One With God reflects the teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and brings the reader to the experience of the Course’s underlying message . . . to awaken from the dream of separation through communication with the Holy Spirit. As in A Course in Miracles, One With God uses masculine pronouns for God and Spirit, and most often uses “brother” to describe humanity. In contrast to the structure of ACIM, this book gives examples of issues and concerns that arise in everyday life and explains how they can be correctly interpreted. The experiences of Margie, and her friends Joann and Margaret (called Jo and Meera in the book), are primarily used to demonstrate how to access the Holy Spirit’s Voice, ask for His help, and receive His guidance.

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Virtual UniverseThe Universe Is Virtual: Discover the Science of the Future, Where the Emerging Field of Digital Physics Meets Consciousness, Reincarnation, Oneness, and Quantum Forgiveness by Alexander Marchand

Everyone on this planet Earth really needs to read this book. And, they need to lighten up and stop trying to Change the World. Instead, use reading this book to begin changing the way you look at the World - in your mind. - Amazon reviewer

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Never Forget To Laugh: Personal Recollections of Bill Thetford, co-scribe of A Course In Miracles by Carol M. Howe

For the first time, an intimate portrait of the life and spiritual path of Bill Thetford, a brilliant and accomplished psychologist and co-scribe of A Course In Miracles.


An Invitation to The Awakening Heart; Communing With The Inner Teacher
by Nick Davis

Nick Davis' wonderful book is a call to listen to the Holy Spirit. As A Course in Miracles says, "All are called, but few choose to listen." Nick has chosen to listen, and so can you! I have met and listened to Nick in person, and I highly recommend his work.

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Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within by Cate Montana

Gary says, "Cate Montana's epic search for the Divine Feminine within will catapult both
women and men to a higher place. I loved this book and highly recommend it for everyone.".

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Forgiveness Offers Everything I Want by Susan Dugan

No matter how heart-wrenching, wild, or wacky the dream of our lives may appear, we always have a choice about which inner teacher we are looking with and listening to.

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The Way of ForgivenessTHE WAY OF FORGIVENESS: Letting Go, Easing Stress, and Building Strength by D. Patrick Miller. At a time when angry shouting seems to dominate the airwaves and public discussions, Fearless Books announces the return of a classic book dedicated to the radical notion that forgiveness is the key to real power. This was Patrick's first book, and it's celebrating its 20th anniversary. Watch the video about Patrick’s JAFO publishing experience here:

THE WAY OF FORGIVENESS first appeared in 1994 as A Little Book of Forgiveness (Viking) and has since changed the lives of many thousands of readers. The new Fearless Books edition features revised material throughout, including expanded instructions for the classic “Seven Steps of Forgiveness” devised by author D. Patrick Miller, based on more than two decades of studying and practicing the principles of forgiveness in his own life.

Get your copy here:

Letter to a Prisoner: From a career criminal to seeker of the Truth by Joe Wolfe. My buddy, Joe Wolfe, spent ten years in prison for armed robbery, much of it in solitary confinement because of his escape attempts. He was a bad boy. He'd probably be dead by now if it wasn't for his remarkable spiritual transformation, which is described in his book.

I think you'll be moved by it.


Geometry CodeThe Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation by Bruce Rawles. Our Inner Teacher of Kindness can interpret anything - every aspect of our lives, ancient Hermetic laws, modern physics, and even geometric symbols - as metaphors for gently releasing our tyrannical belief in differences.

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From Plagues to MiraclesFrom Plagues to Miracles by Dr. Robert Rosenthal. Bob is a Board Member of the Foundation for Inner Peace, a distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, as well as a novelist and screenwriter. Bob takes the story of Exodus and does an interesting presentation of Moses being the Voice of the Holy Spirit, the Pharaoh being the voice of the ego, and the Hebrews being the decision maker, but too afraid to listen to the Holy Spirit.

I highly recommend this book, which you can get at either of the following two links. Enjoy!

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Ian PatrickOf Course! How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Change? by Ian Patrick. Ian is the founder of The Miracle Network in London, England. I highly recommend Ian as both a writer and a teacher. This is a book that any Course student should want to read.

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A Golf Course in Miracles by Gene Bogart and Charlotte McGinnis. My podcast producer and co-host, Gene Bogart has co-written a cool (and very profound) book about A Course in Miracles called A Golf Course in Miracles. I liked it so much I wrote the Foreword for it.

Ready For A Miracle? Golf pro Charlotte McGinnis, and fellow ACIM teacher, podcast producer and humorist Gene Bogart, present their book: A Golf Course in Miracles. Get on course for a “hole in one” year, and experience miracles in a whole new way!

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Questions for J - And the Love that He Gave Me by Barret Hedeen. Course teacher and workshop leader, Hedeen shares his experiences of his inner guide J in this exciting new book that comes with a complimentary online component for exploring your reality as one with Source. Gary says "Barret Hedeen gives us an inspirational, soul baring treatise into the difference between two different motivations; that of the ego, which is to convince us that we have somehow separated ourselves from our Source, Which is God, and the Holy Spirit, Whose motivation is to teach us that there is no such thing as separation! I highly recommend this book to any sincere seeker of the truth."
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Dude CoverDude, Where's My Jesus Fish?: A Compilation Highlighting the Blunt and Uncompromising Teachings of Arten and Pursah on A Course in Miracles by Mike Lemieux. What Mikey's done in this book is create a valuable tool for directly accessing Course concepts (as taught by Arten and Pursah) in a topic-based fashion.

As Mikey would say, "Giddy-up!"

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Universe is a Dream CoverThe Universe is a Dream by Alexander Marchand

Gary highly recommends this "graphic novel" about ACIM. It's good for all ages, but especially helpful for teenagers and young adults who will enjoy the form. Very original.

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Spoken MiraclesSpoken Miracles: A Companion to The Disappearance of the Universe by Lucia Espinosa. Near the end of D.U., one of my teachers mentioned that there were 365 quotations from the modern spiritual guide ACourse in Miracles used in the book. We were told that if these passages were read on their own, they could either be used as a thought for the day throught the year, or they could simply be read like a book, in which case they would constitute a "refresher course" by Jesus, the voice of A Course in Miracles, in his own words.

I am very grateful to Lucia for putting this work together and making it available to the world.

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Long Time No See Book Cover
Long Time No See: Diaries of an Unlikely Messenger
by Carrie Triffet

A powerfully moving, sometimes profane and often hilarious account of one person's single minded search for enlightenment. Also includes The Crash Course, a short, plainspoken synopsis of A Course in Miracles. Winner of the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Award.

Gary says, “Using plain, everyday language, Long Time No See clearly illuminates the principles of A Course in Miracles as they apply to everyday life. A genuinely helpful and interesting book. Did I mention it’s also funny as hell?”
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Gary highly recommends this book. This is the endorsement he wrote:

Forgiveness is the Home of Miracles, Robyn Busfield gives us a tour de force on the subject of forgiveness; what it is, how to do it, and the inevitable result of its consistent practice. I completely enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the fastest road to Enlightenment."  Website:

One Again: A True Story of a Different Kind of Forgiveness by Linda Jean McNabb. A captivating and inspiring tale of spiritual awakening and triumph that reads like a novel while also providing the reader with tools and resources, which have the power to change lives beyond imagination.  Buy online at

"Linda's book is about her true story of being gang raped at the age of 13 and the harrowing life that followed, until she read The Disappearance of the Universe and proceeded to move her life in a completely different direction. This book has the potential to help countless people, and you can get an advance copy at her website." - Gary
Take Me To Truth: Undoing the Ego

This book by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira is so highly recommended by Gary that he wrote the Foreword for it. It is one of Gary's favorite books and two of his best friends.


Gary highly recommends this wonderful book.
Making Peace with God recounts a journey that begins with Roman Catholicism, explores various ancient and contemporary spiritualities and culminates with the extraordinary thought system of A Course in Miracles.

Leaving the Desert BookGary's endorsement:
Leaving the Desert: Embracing the Simplicity of A Course in Miracles, is one of the most practical spiritual books ever written. I was struck by Pauline’s ability to clearly and simply state the principles of the Course, from the beginning of her journey, through a genuine spiritual search, to her discovery of a new direction, to the understanding of miracles, and ultimately to the miracle of forgiveness in undoing the deviousness of the ego. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is on a spiritual path, and especially to those who want to get on the fast track.”


Extraordinary Ordinary ForgivenessThe heart of A Course in Miracles is the forgiveness practice that undoes the ego’s secret guilt over believing we separated from God. Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness by Susan Dugan, published by O-Books and available at shows readers exactly how to apply this process in their daily lives to heal their minds about their relationships.


Don't Fix Me Book Cover

Gary recommends Sally Patton's book, DON'T FIX ME I'M NOT BROKEN: Changing Our Minds About Ourselves and Our Children. Parenting is a spiritual Classroom. DON'T FIX ME I'M NOT BROKEN discusses ways to recognize that people are always doing the best they can with the knowledge and awareness they have in each moment. It explores the idea that we always have a choice and by changing our thoughts we change our story and experience of our labeled children from one of struggle and sadness to one of joy and peace.

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